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Agriculture Science and Leadership (AGSC) Courses

2300 Introduction to Agriculture Science (3-0). An introduction to the field of agriculture science concepts as addressed in Texas public school curricula.

2302 Principles of Effective Technology Use in Agriculture Science (3-0). Computer hardware and software used in agriculture science in Texas public schools.

2310 Floral Design (2-2). Principles of design illustrated with the utilization of floral components; floral design elements and associated techniques including text, color, form and line, The history and utilization of the art form floral design and its impact on society.

3302 Welding and Metal Work (2-2). Basic principles of welding and metalwork, including an introduction to basic metallurgy, cutting and joining metals, use of oxyacetylene, electric arc welding, and plasma arc welding. Emphasis on understanding properties and theory of welding of various metals.

3313 Management of Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs (3-0). Provide students with the theory and application for working with youth in the selection, management and record keeping procedures used with supervised agricultural experience programs and youth projects.

3331 Agricultural Youth Leadership Organizations (3-0). Principles and application of leadership skills commonly taught in youth agricultural organizations. Emphasis on youth leadership development events and seamlessly integrating activities and curriculum.

4304 Methods of Teaching Agriscience in the Secondary School (3-0). Exploring methods of teaching agriculture science in the classroom.

4310 Systems in Agricultural Mechanics (2-2). Physical science applications to systems in agricultural mechanics. Topics include electricity, plumbing applications, land measurement, and environmental control as well as, internal combustion engine operation and theory.

4391 Agricultural Science Problems (3-0). Individual investigation related to agricultural science or leadership. (May be repeated for credit.)
Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.